College Students

Being in school is wonderful, but it's can also be challenging. You may be on your own for the first time, away from your usual support, friends, and familiar places. It's not unusual to feel lonely or alone, even when you're surrounded by people. You may be struggling socially, trying to figure out where you fit in. You may be feeling the loss of friendships you've left behind. Maybe you're struggling academically for the first time in your life or feeling unable to organize yourself. It's normal to be experiencing insecurities or doubts about a variety of things. All of this can leave us feeling down, sad, anxious, insecure, irritable, and many other feelings. You can work through all of that and learn new ways to take care of yourself while you're on this college journey. You can feel better! My role is to work with you through short-term counseling to help you navigate this time in your life.